A Review of the Salt Sensitivity of the Australian Freshwater Biota

From fresh to saline: a comparison of zooplankton and establish communities developing under a slope of salinity with communities developing under constant salinity levels

Daryl Fifty. Nielsen A B D , Margaret A. Brock B C , Matthew Vogel A and Rochelle Petrie A

+ Writer Affiliations

- Author Affiliations

A Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Wodonga, Vic. 3690, Australia.

B Co-operative Research Center for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

C Environmental and Rural Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.

D Corresponding author. Email: daryl.nielsen@csiro.au

Marine and Freshwater Inquiry 59(7) 549-559 https://doi.org/10.1071/MF07166
Submitted: 20 September 2007  Accustomed: 9 April 2008   Published: 24 July 2008


In Australia, many freshwater wetlands are becoming saline. Knowing which elements of a biotic community will persist as wetlands turn saline is relevant to their hereafter management. Nosotros simulated gradual and sudden increases in salinity in outdoor mesocosms to exam the hypotheses that: (1) aquatic plant and zooplankton communities exposed to a gradient of increasing salinity over time would initially resemble freshwater communities, merely as the salinity increased they would resemble communities found in more saline systems; and (2) that a gradual change in salinity over six months influences zooplankton and constitute communities in the same style equally a sudden salinity modify. Beneath chiliad mg 50–i, equally salinity increased gradually, communities rich in species and numbers of individuals resembled freshwater communities. All the same, as the salinity exceeded thou mg L–1, taxa were progressively lost and communities became less diverse. When salinities exceeded 3000 mg Fifty–1 the variety decreased chop-chop and few taxa remained at 5000 mg L–i. Both sudden and gradual increases in salinity induced similar decreases in diverseness. Nosotros predict that equally natural wetlands get more saline, few freshwater biota volition survive one time the salinity exceeds 5000 mg L–1. In the long term, such salinised wetlands would need to exist recolonised by salt-tolerant taxa for a functional wetland to persist.


Nosotros acknowledge the financial and facility back up of the Branch Research Centre for Freshwater Environmental and the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre (MDFRC) in the conducting of this enquiry projection. The experiments took place while MAB was employed by the NSW Department of Natural Resource whose functions from 2007 were incorporated into The NSW Department of Climate change and Conservation. The mesocosm experiments were conducted at the Wonga Wetlands, an Albury Council facility. Nosotros thank Paul Wettin and Bruce Cooper for helping to ascertain the direction questions that our research aims to address. We would also like to admit the assistance provided by Peter McClellan (Bluelight Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes) in collecting the sediment and to give thanks Dr Gavin Rees and the salinity projection team for their assist in the setting upwardly and performance of this projection and members of the MDFRC writers group for their comments on this manuscript. We also thank Dr Bob Clarke from Plymouth Marine Laboratories for advice and assistance with the multivariate analysis.


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Source: https://www.publish.csiro.au/mf/mf07166

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