Roach is iconic to The Witcher series and it's hard to imagine where Geralt would be without his loyal steed. Their bond is strong. Roach will ride into battle with him (unless she's just not having it and tosses him off) and she always comes when he calls, no matter the hurdles. She'll conquer natural physics just to get to this man.

Because Roach is so important to the story, it's natural memes would surface revolving solely around her, especially since she was apart of the major bug issues in The Witcher 3. Here are a few of the funniest Roach memes we could find floating around.

10 Cyberpunk's Vehicles= Roach

So, there's a lot of hype for Cyberpunk.Aside from Keanu Reeves being in the game, another exciting mechanic will be the A.I. in the vehicles. This will allow for players to call their vehicles from anywhere...just like Roach. If this is going to be anything like The Witcher 3, then we can expect some equally funny memes to come out of it. Perhaps we'll get vehicles appearing on top of skyscrapers.

9 Better Not be Throwing Shoes

Everyone knows not to touch the Roach unless you want Geralt to swing his sword at your head...or point a gun at you. Now of course if you are a true fan you will know that Roach isn't named after the cockroach but the European fish. Still, this is a meme that is both very true and very funny. Roach is in good hands and that's more than what most horses can say about their lives.

8 It's Just Geralt and Roach

There are so many couples to ship in The Witcher games and it's not always about Geralt and whoever–but mostly it is. Geralt is a popular man however, there is just one lady for him. One lady who has never let him down and who doesn't interrupt him and who will always come when he calls. That's right. Roach is the only girl for him. Sorry other shippers, it's just how it is.

7 Roach Is Too Majestic

If nothing else, Roach can pull off some sick moves. Geralt will never get bored while Roach is with him showing off her acrobatics and dance numbers. She's a special horse alright; there's nothing dull about this one.

No wonder Geralt likes to have what appears to be onesided conversations with Roach. She's got more to offer than verbal responses and would probably do well in show business.

6 Drama Queen Roach

Ok, calm down Roach. It's just a freak'n pebble. It really isn't a matter of life and death.  If anyone has played The Witcher 3 they'll be all too familiar with Roach either randomly going off-road into a tree or trying to follow a road that isn't there or just throwing you off her back for no reason. But fights are fine. Roach does just fine in most fights. What a drama queen. Get your act together Roach!

5 Roach Spawning In The Darkest Places

It's a running joke that when called Roach can, and most likely will, show up just about anywhere except right in front of you. It could take a few minutes to find her and she could be anywhere from rooftops to head first in the lake to the halfway of the meeting point. Literally anywhere. And on a side note, can we all agree that Geralt's face on top of Georgie's is a little more than freaky?

4 Roach Please

Roach please is a pretty popular meme and there are plenty out there, but something about this one is more knee-slapping than the others. Perhaps it's that Geralt has finally had enough of his four-legged companion and is actually taking off or that Roach believes he's leaving and she's being a little too clingy.

However you choose to interpret this meme, it's funny all around. Roach Please, he's coming back or he'll call for you. Be chill.

3 Roach Could Literally  Be Anywhere

Frankly, it doesn't matter where you are, if you call Roach, Roach will come. She could be down the road, in that town you left twenty-minuets ago- on the other side of the map, on the freak'n moon! You call, she answers. That's how it is with Geralt and his mare. Having an unpredictable nature is probably what Geralt loves about Roach. It keeps him on his toes.

2 The TV Series Just Couldn't Get It Right

There was a lot of critique on The Witcher tv series. It was natural to expect the tv series to go its own path as its fairly rare for tv series to stay wholly true to books or other storytelling modes. If there one thing the tv series didn't do right, it was Roach. Obviously Roach can float, and do front hoof-stands, and appear on roofs. Its something that is true to the games and it should have been in the tv series. Come on, Netflix. Get it right for once.

1 It Was Always Roach

There are a lot of strong women hanging around Geralt, Ciri being one. They're each unique in their own way and can easily keep up with their witcher counterpart, but one thing is for sure–none can compare to Roach. She is Geralt's true partner, able to perform unexplainable and unpredictable feats while the other women run in an out of Geralt's life. Sorry ladies, it's always been Roach and it always will be.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 15 Things To Do After You Beat The Game